Sunday, June 24, 2007

Geh this mac sucks!

Wahh sadly looks like I can't add photos since I'm using a sucky Mac. Next time! I'm about halfway through the program but I'm still really enjoying it. Today will be the first day I don't go out and do something new. I feel like going home early today and relaxing. I haven't done that yet so maybe it counts. I also need to study for the final on Wednesday. Then the next day, I'm heading off to Osaka for naka-yasumi. I wonder if I'll be able to update my blog before I come back? We'll see! I'm happy I ended up not bringing a laptop but sometimes it can be a little inconvenient. I hung out with my family a lot this week and we ate lots of good food. They also met my host family. It was interesting seeing my two worlds unite but not as weird as I expected. Yesterday I went to this manga university class thing for my little sister who loves drawing. It was really cool and we met a famous artist! Yayyy. I feel like the ultimate tourist, I'm feeling constantly satisfied. Soon I'm gonna make zouri (flip flopish shoes) out of towels with my host mom. Exciting! But now to go study and relax at home. Hope everyone else is enjoying their times abroad! I hope my family has a safe trip back to Tokyo and then America!

1 comment:

Kelly McLaughlin said...

You say you're bad at titles, but that one was pretty good. :)